Dragon Village Pictures Part 1

These are some pictures on Ryugakure’s Day.

[ Testing Juin Wen-kun’s taijutsu abilities; Horace-senpai is looking away in disappointment ]

[ Ninja training between the Snow Flower Head and the Dragon Head ]

[ Killing the Dragon Head; Tung-chan looks so hesitant, while both Jasmine-chan and Feng-san are so enthusiastic. ]

[ The Dragon Village at Clark Quay ; Wen Jie-kun just finished his bath at the Singapore River ]

[ Class Portrait of TA28; Sylvester-san sashaying to his position after setting the timer ]

That’s all for now. I love the sleeves of the kimono. You can stash so many things into it. I might get a tailor to alter my shirt sleeves like that. 😀

That said, the material of the costume are killers. I ended up using the cloth fan to fan myself even in the air-conditioned room.

Logen L.