Gate Closed: One More Night In Patong

“I think we are going to miss our flight back to Singapore.” said I to Mandy, though still holding on to hope that somehow the heavy traffic and bad weather would ease.

Fifty minutes later, we were still nowhere near Phuket International Airport and the airplane was scheduled to depart in 45 minutes. We reached the airport too late and missed our flight back to Singapore.

“Logen, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.” Mandy remarked at our situation in disbelief.

I responded by laughing, “No point crying, just laugh and think about our next course of action.”

After numerous failed attempts to book new flights with our mobile internet, Mandy’s parents managed to book us a morning flight back. We left our bulky baggage with the airport concierge for 160 Baht and went out for a long smoking session.

We were debating between spending the night at the airport or at a room of a nearby hotel, when Mandy suggested we hitchhike with fellow tourists back to Patong. Might as well enjoy the extra night than sulk at the airport about our fuck up.

We approached Natasha and Sean who had trouble locating their taxi and were hassled by taxi touts. Aiding them to make calls to their hotel and driver, we were on our way back to Patong with them.

Cheers to the numerous fuck ups:

  1. forgetting to bring an underwater camera,
  2. forgetting to bring 6000 Baht that I converted in Singapore ( I realised this only 5 minutes ago)
  3. missing our flight
  4. going overbudget
  5. spending at least $6 each time to draw cash from the ATM (I used the ATM at least 5 times)
  6. getting a terrible rate when converting currency through the ATMs
  7. forgetting motion sickness pills when I was feeling nausea on the boat to Phi Phi

Louder cheers to overcoming the fuck ups with our spontaneity, recklessness and pure awesomeness.

The loudest cheers to meeting awesome people and having this trip with my closest friend of 8 years, Mandy!

(I will attach some pictures soon)

Logen L.