
Christmas In Armour Indeed

This Christmas, I will be stuck in Armour Camp doing guard duty. While I’m not at all upset (considering that I will get a day off in lieu), I’m disappointed at having to miss out on the warm cosy feeling attached to this season. I miss celebrating Christmas with my fellow Dragon villagers. And I certainly miss watching the televised Christmas movies on the comfy couch, pretending that its snowing outside.

However, this mandatory sacrifice will be worth it if I’m saved from doing guard duty on the Lunar New Year.

Here are some things that are cheering me up:

1. Going for leisure trip to Thailand this Friday

2. Looking awesome when wearing the Jinbei delivered from Japan (Ebay)

3. Getting great bargains in Thailand

4. Enjoying the year-end 5-day holiday

On another note, I’m continuously being annoyed with one or two idiots back at camp who fuck around and treat me with disrespect. Do I have to threaten to box their teeth out to get results? Because this week when one idiot made a subtle racist remark while we were marching back from the cookhouse, I yelled at him and threatened to punch his fucking face the next time he made a racist remark. Everyone, including the sergeant, heard and were stunned. Two persons in front thought I was joking. When they laughed, I shouted “You think its fucking funny?”. Thereafter, they kept their mouths shut. The idiot refrained from making any racist remarks for the entire week.

Honestly, do I have to humiliate a person in front of so many people in order to teach them respect?

I resolve to change the situation of disrespect before December 2012. But I need a better plan than physical threats. I have no desire to end up in the detention barracks.



The Three Homophobes Before Christmas

On my way home, I passed by three teenage hecklers. I was in an eccentric korean-styled outfit, while I passed those idiots. When I crossed the road after passing them by, one of them started chanting out: ‘homo… sexual… homo… sexual…’.

I had half the mind to stop in the middle of the road, turn towards them, glare and shout ‘shut the fuck up!’. But I did not. As it was, I was on the road with my night vision impaired due to wearing non-astigmatism lenses. My verbal confrontation would surely result in a physical fight. I would have been at a disadvantage of having three person against one of me and my eyesight might not be sharp enough to take on three attackers.

While my Aikido is far from flawless, it is good enough to break someone’s arm or back when I execute  an arm lock or throw. I would gladly accept punches for the satisfaction of paralyzing those fucktards temporarily. Clearly, I’m not as peaceful a person as an Aikidoka ought to be. I’m not some eccentric person in the street that you can bloody pick on. Because of my past of being heckled in school for being less masculine, I get very affected and offended when people do such things.

On the note of what those hecklers chanted, I do not believe that homosexuals are sinners or deviants. They are normal individuals who seek love from the same gender. But we as a society, use words like ‘homo’, ‘fag’ and ‘gay’ to insult people and more recently, the word ‘gay’ is used to say that someone or something is stupid. Compassion and self-reflection dictates that we should look into ourselves. Will we accept it if someone uses our own names or identities as a way to insult others?

I’ll make this clear… I HATE it when people make discriminatory remarks/jokes on race, the way someone behaves and sexual orientation. You are disgusting if you do it. This applies to my friends as well.

Just because I keep quiet when discriminatory racial remarks are made on Indians, Malays and Bangladeshis, doesn’t mean I condone it. I find it a waste of time and breath to confront and enlarge narrow minds.

Logen L.