
Baby Aloe Veras and Clubbing Cactuses

I worked-out today and trained for my weaknesses in the NAPFA Test.

While heading out the house, I saw a stack of court documents pasted on the gates. Apparently it was a writ of summons. For the benefit of readers who lack technical knowledge in law, it means some monkey has applied to the courts to sue. Without a doubt, this matter has some weight in my mind. My allusion that the plaintiffs are monkeys should be crystal clear as to my feelings towards this. I have no desire of discussing this matter further.

On hindsight, I ought to have a solid exercise plan to prevent myself from giving half-hearted attempts when exercising. Apart from this piece of reflection, some old geezer was sneezing loudly into the wind at the fitness corner. It was disgusting to see pieces of phlegm flying into the wind. This sums up the interesting points of the workout session.

[wordbay]aloe vera plant[/wordbay]

When I returned dirty and smelly, my sister asked that I help her in her hydroponics project. The school had give out hydroponics starter kits with plant seeds, so that the students had hands on experience with hydroponics. Since I was already helping her, I decided to re-pot the young aloe vera plants. I love gardening and plants.

Do not listen to Harris’s accusations that I killed a cactus. I was young and it was an accident. I had somehow decided that the cactus would enjoy dancing. So when I shook it in imitation of some hip hop dance, the top of it broke off. And I forgot to water it. Damn… clubbing cactus.

I now have (relatively) green fingers okay? It’s just that I lack the patience to grow Bonsais. Yes, the Bonsai seeds that I bought 2 years ago are still in the box.

Oh my gosh… Did I actually write this in the Bonsai entry?

That said, the bonsai growing process is a killer. I should have gotten a cactus at the supermarket instead. Then again, I managed to kill my previous cactus the last time. Better not let my bonsai hear that…

Logen L.