Working On Confidence And Assertiveness

This vacation, my focus is on being confident and assertive in my behaviour. Using 43Things (a site where you can track your goals), I’ll be documenting my progress, insights and method of attaining my goals. You will be able to read them on here, Logish Paradox.

I’ve been largely secretive of what I do and how I think. But I’m trying to open up. I believe in making an effort to become better people, rather than whining about life.

Doubtlessly, for an eccentric person like me, there are some strange goals on my life list. For example, ‘becoming a ninja’. I assure you that this is part of my marketing efforts for my online business.


Okay fine… Who doesn’t want to be ninja? Haha.

I’ll encourage everyone to create a life list. And if our goals are similar, we can help each other out. If you can help me out in my goals, please do.

Logen L.