
Season Of Armour

The holiday season is here. Some time during my week-long  stay in camp, Christmas decorations have crept up in shopping malls. It is certainly a refreshing change of scene from the same old boring armoured vehicles in my camp.

During this unannounced hiatus, my military platoon has moved into the unit headquarters. This presents much of a challenge because the existing platoon at the headquarters are a rowdy bunch; one-eighth of them have visited detention barracks (which is another word for military prison). And my platoon’s task at hand is to prevent ourselves from being taken advantaged of.

However, other than being constantly late, uncouth in their manner of speaking and arguing with the sergeants, they have gotten along with us quite well. After all, the live range shoot went rather well yesterday.

Besides the eventful move into headquarters, I have applied for overseas leave during mid-December for a trip to Thailand with Mandy. I am hopeful that we will find many bargains in the land of smiles.

This is all I have to update. I will have to book into camp tomorrow and prepare to train in setting up concertina wires.


Halloween Plans

In my desperate attempt to be positive (and have things to look forward to), I am going to make plans for Halloween. I am torn between choosing something quiet among close friends and clubbing in outrageous costumes.

Here are some of my plans:

Dragon Village Halloween down at Clark Quay (with clubbing)

This is to honour the first Halloween celebrated by my fellow poly-mates (villagers) whom I miss dearly.

Karaoke at The Thai Pub

If my poly friends see this post, please respond with your own suggestions or preference.

Logen L.


Knowing More About Myself

Being in camp for 5.5 days straight each week has taught me a lot about myself. One, I have an anxiety issue  and lack confidence when it comes to learning and executing drills (or anything that requires coordination). Two, I allow people to step all over me because I believe I should always be nice. Three, I have constant anxiety over upcoming events.

Frankly speaking, I have no idea how I will get through the next 20 months of military life. However, I know for sure that I have got to step out of my safe zone and return to my noisy self. I must not allow people to step all over me.

I am exhausted; honestly fatigued from the insane regimented schedule that provides for less than 7 hours of sleep and lack of expressive output.

Hopefully, when I receive my posting, things will become better. Until then, I remain doubtful. I will be flying off alone to Thailand after graduating from Basic Military Training to rest, reflect, relax and recharge. I want to decide on my course of action and perhaps do some domaining business there and write some short stories at the cafe.

Note: I am graduating from Basic Military School on October 2nd.

Logen L.


Destiny Is Created By Pain

There is no doubt that my heart is still filled with gloom and negativity. But upon reflection, part of this melancholy is my doing. I feel out casted on the military island; but I realise that I didn’t put extreme effort to exert my personality to my army mates. I was withdrawn from the sad reality before me.

The loss of Aikido in my routine has removed certain anchors of tranquility.

Also, for being my quiet and yet flamboyant self, I am teased for being effeminate. I do not like to be taken back into the past where the same steely knife cuts into the very scars in my heart.

Yet, I feel thankful for possessing foresight to write a book of insights, which was meant to be read when I forget myself during the darkest of times. Reading that book reminded me of who I once was, why I was who I was and who I wanted to be.

I now await with impatience for the day I graduate from basic military school. Hopefully I get posted into a unit where I am able to return to Aikido and have the time to reflect on life.



Airplanes Flying Across Pulau Tekong

Allow me to recount a melancholic moment I had while in Tekong Island, about 2 weeks ago.

Yet another airplane began its descent into Changi Airport from the skies of Tekong island. Within the military bunk, I sat atop the cold concrete with my eyes unfocused. The noise of the descending airplanes was a constant reminder of civilisation; how near we were to mainland Singapore and yet Tekong was far enough to travel by ferry.

Each day, I contemplated how my 2 years of military service would come to pass. There were times when the trainings and conditions were tough. The punishments meted were given to the platoon as a whole and not individually. Our morale sometimes dipped to a low.

Just a month ago, I was a free person; a civilian teenage boy, not yet a man. And now, I am no longer the owner of my time and my body.

While lost in my thoughts, this song came into the playlist of my MP4 Player: Airplanes by B.O.B.. How fitting… With the number of airplanes flying across, my wishes may actually come true.

Logen L.


Being A Soldier, No Longer A Civilian

Upon enlisting into the army, I find less and less time for myself, my family and my friends. For the sake of adapting, I’ve ignored the fact that time no longer belongs to me. I’ve also been fooling myself to believe that the army is a choice I’ve made rather than a circumstance foisted onto my shoulders.

I feel exhausted, like I’ve never been before. Even then, I try not to complain. My motto is to do my best for situations that are salvageable and remain calm if the situation is unchangeable.

I now realise that in the army, the question to be asked was never: “How am I to survive this?”. The key to surviving unpleasant circumstances is to shut off the thought process, go with the flow of the training program and take a step at a time.

There is bound to be negativity associated with each step of the training, but forget and let go off the negative experience; take each step as a completely new journey. That way, time doesn’t feel prolonged. Before you know it, days, weeks or even months have passed.


Love, Happiness and Life

Words I want to speak, but I dare not. Your scent makes me want to bite into your neck. And your gaze brings a smile to my face.

Much of my thoughts await the light of day and the cessation of censorship. But here I shall stop. Silenced and victimized by your ignorance.

What of this world do I belong to?

Logen L.