
Maintenance Notice

Logish Paradox will be moving to a new home. Don’t worry if you don’t see this site for 2 days. We’ll be saying goodbye to GoDaddy and saying hello to Lunarpages web hosting.


Logen L.


The Lack of Thoughts

These days I haven’t been writing much thought-provoking entries. The lack of time and prescence of mind are the main reasons.

However, I promise worthy entries in time to come. Many people know me to be intolerant of racism. Well, in general I frown at discrimination but have learnt to pick my battles. Therefore, in mentioning this, I wish to write various entries on discrimintation that eventually leads to a major entry, which reconciles the various concepts.

Aside from the above, I know that I have neglected my life list. It is a list of my goals, which I want a substantial amount  completed before my demise. Hence, during the coming vacation, I want to attempt contact juggling and brush up on my writing skills.

The Logish Paradox site will be refurbished and organised, of course.

Oh yes, I’ve forgotten about the poor bonsai in the box. I bought it months ago to gain inner peace and patience in waiting for it to grow. Indeed, I’m still waiting for it to grow because I never got to planting the seeds. But the anticipation of growing a bonsai plant has already brought me inner peace.

They really should sell imaginary bonsais instead. Then I can imagine a bonsai growing without the hasle of maintaining its life. For goodness sake, I killed a cactus and you have no idea how remorseful I feel.

So, this is all. My revision for the exams will begin on this coming Wednesday.



Blog Spam Protector Acting Strangely

I’ve got a funny feeling that my spam-protector is throwing out some innocent comments. If you are one of those people, please contact me through logishblog[at]gmail[dot]com. I’d like to resolve the issue if there’s one.


To friends who try to reach me only to no avail, sorry. The term is hectic and you know how crazy it drives me. Though this is no excuse to neglect friendships, I can only apologise. My line is open to emergencies no matter what. In writing this, I think Harris is most well-deserving of my apology. See you soon.



The Fallouts of Logish Paradox

After comparing the current blog with the past versions, I am forced to conclude that Logish Paradox has lost direction. In the passing of time, I have forgotten about the standards in place to keep it organised. The result is a typical messy blog that is read only by the friends of the author.

Logish Paradox wishes to emphasise on the paradox of life, entwining the themes of reality and fantasy. Clearly, this would imply 2 categories in the blog (reality and fantasy), in which all the topics fall under.

The segment on reality would then be spurred by my careful contemplation and insights. One has to accept that truth and reality is relative to the mind’s eyes. No doubt, outright denial and lies are easily exposed.

As for fantasy, this category will be spurred by the things I enjoy doing. It is where I allow imagination to run ahead of me.

In the months to come, I hope to regroup and organise the following:

  • Life list talks about my weaknesses and goals
  • Tell the Truth discusses social issues and advocacy
  • Short Insights looks at relative truth in a poetic and an analogical way
  • Proses and poetry
  • Personalise the layout and theme of the blog

However, I shall allow my final exams and projects to complete before embarking on this change.


P.S. The time has arrived. Loyalty is forgone. My mask is as ever in its place. As miserable as I am, the show must still continue.


Hiatus Update

I expect that you’re sick of the revision updates but face it, my exams begin next week.

I am left with Elasticity and Introduction topic for Microeconomics. Whereas for Financial Accounting, it’s bank reconciliation, receivables and fixed assets. With what I assimilated so far for Micro, I’m confident of getting at least a B.

I have nothing else to add. Hopefully, I can cover everything at speed.


P.S. The hiatus will be over by Friday next week.


Exams Begins In 9 Days

Until a later date, Logish Paradox shall henceforth be placed on a hiatus. The following list shows my modules being examined.

  1. Microeconomics
  2. Business Statistics
  3. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
  4. Computing & Information Processing

I’ll have to expedite the Microeconomics and FFA study process. Business Statistics is nearly complete. As for CIP, the textbook makes for good reading material in the toilet. This isn’t sarcasm, I reread Harry Potter in the toilet on many occasions.

I’ve given a few crap entries lately. The stress is killing me. I hope to be in tune with the holiday season after the exams.


P.S. I may still give occasional posts.