
Averse to Hair and Itching

Instead of last week, school began this week due to chicken pox.

I screwed up my hair with the hair cut. Actually, this is a subjective view. I’m not as averse to it as my friends are. But I admit, this wasn’t the hairstyle I wanted.

As always, my hair has too much bulk to pull off a certain look. Therefore, I’d be doing some repairing by bleaching it brown. Not only does this change the colour but it also thins my hair (in theory that is). If this doesn’t work, I’ll be seeing my neighbourhood barber to see how he can salvage it.

Oh well… I’ve got to source for a salon that can fulfill my eccentric hairstyle requests in the future. And someone needs to give me lessons on managing unmanagable hair.

Besides the hair issue, my eczema has worsened after the chicken pox episode. I’ve currently increased my dosage of antihistamines to no avail. Well, if the itching continues, I’ll become unpleasantly temperamental like before. I was told by the doctor that my eczema was stress-induced but I’m not sure if I’m stressed. Unless you count getting pissed off…

Thinking about whatever is already starting to piss me off again… Why am I the unique one to get some stupid skin condition…

Logen L.


Down with Chicken Pox

I turned in before dawn today. It was unusually cold and I was shivering. Curious about the temperature, I checked my wall thermometer expecting it to be around 24 degrees Celcius. It was not.

I have high fever. The worst part of it was, I couldn’t sleep with the nasty headache. I spent the night worrying if it was chicken pox (my sis had it), dengue or hair-straightener-poisoning. If you ask me, I have no desire of the first two. The wait period is both 2 weeks, one has the chance of giving me scars and the other requires that I have IV needles stabbed into my forearm.

Anyway, it turns out that I have chicken pox. Sighs. School begins on Monday and I’m going to miss the chance to build a good foundation for my modules. I guess things don’t always go our way. I have to put off the salon visit too.

I intend to self-study during the MC period. And I can treat it as extra holiday. My foot!
