Training In A Unique Style of Martial Arts

I want to develop my own style of fighting, which uses Aikido as a foundation. Training myself in strikes and kicks, I aim to understand the dynamics of such attacks and to develop my flexibility and balance. I’ve also practised Aikido waza regularly at both Taichi-speed and regular speed.

Logen in Sasuke cosplay

I’m looking to learn the basics of Parkour and have been practising rolling. The roll, is essentially  the same as the Aikido forward roll. My crazy determination and frustration has made me push myself to roll forward and backwards without break that I sometimes roll off the mat onto the concrete. Trust me, slamming your feet onto the concrete hurts.

I hope to find like-minded individuals to train with, because it helps me stay committed to my goals. I don’t want my motivation to dwindle.

Logen L.