
Lethargic and Bored

I don’t even know what i’m doing in school. I feel like a zombie; my body acting on its own accord, against what my mind wants. So tired…

Logen L.


The Post About Nothing

Very often, I take on more than I can chew. I bought more domains than I can handle, judging by the amount of time I have. This explains the less than frequent entries.

On another note, I’m losing my bloody patience with someone. It’s not going to take much more for me to hate that person. The kind of hate where you waste your time to plot a fucker’s downfall. I’ve done it to someone else before and I felt guilt. But this time, if it happens, I will do what I have to do guiltlessly…

A joke made continuously over a month is not funny. And considering that you know nothing about me, give me my due respect.

Oh well, if you want to find me around the web, here is my other blog:

It deals with domain name trading and investing.

Logen L.


Last Wishes and The Conditions of Age

Lately, I’ve noticed that my personality was rather elf-like. Capricious, to be exact. I could be laughing at one moment, but just as quickly my mood changes. And in honesty, my head has a hard time catching up with my moods. I’d love to be carefree and ever cheerful. However, it just isn’t realistic.

Sometimes, I’m plain loud with my boisterous laughter and crude ramblings, then I suddenly go quiet when I think about sad stuff. When that happens I pretend to be tired or hungry. It simplifies things really.

Anyway, I’ve avoided visiting my grandparent’s place for a few years. I didn’t want trouble caused because of my long hair and other stuff. 

I was told today that my granddad was crying because he had missed me and thought that I no longer cared. I’ve always felt that my existence was valueless, since I’ve dissapointed his expectations. Well, I love him as ever. His health is becoming progressively worse and his memory to is failing him; the conditions of age.

It pains me to hear the way the message was conveyed: He wanted to see me before he left. I intend to do so soon. And I don’t think I can forgive myself if I lose that chance.

In any case, I know for sure, I’ll eventually dissapoint the expectations of my family…

Logen L.


Happy Belated Birthday to Me

I turned 18 yesterday. I’d like to thank all those who wished me Happy Birthday. And I truly enjoyed the simplicity of the day.

To my classmates (a.k.a. villagers of the HIdden Vilage of The Dragon), thanks for your surprise at the Alumni with the Birthday cake. I haven’t been blowing the candles for my past years. Anyway, I think all of you sung the birthday song too loud. It made me so paiseh (embarrassed).

To Zhi Wei, thanks for the $1.50 out of $4 treat for my prawn noodles. Hahaha. To Horace and Jing Yi, no thanks for singing me the Pirates of the Caribbean theme while I was shitting in the toilet.

To my parents and sister, thanks for the pizzas and the company. That’s about it.

Please donate to the China Earthquake Fund.



Beings of Different Worlds

Your innocent eyes brings me profound misery. It is as though you have wrenched my beating heart with those graceful fingers and forced it into an over-small box.

The misery so profound because we are beings of separate dimensions and I’ve had the misfortune to fancy you. While in proximity we can be close, our hearts are separated by a heavy veil between each dimension.

Somehow, I hoped and believed I could challenge the laws of this world but I was stupid. I awaited the day you’d utter my name with the fevour of those who pray. It never came.

I’m a pathetic fool who is in love with you. I’m a dirty animal that you should rightly scorn because that is how it is. And I’m an idiot to leave myself vulnerable by trying to love.

Logen L.


Juggle Ebay, Ninja Training and School Every Week

I’ve been in an entrepreneurial mood this past week. I’ve been doing a lot of selling on Ebay and have some successes. To test the market, I opened an Ebay Store. Hopefully, I can reach my target market and sell some more domain names.

Consequent to my obsession with Ebay, I’ve neglected some modules and have been putting off revision for the coming Common Test. Okay, this is nothing new. Remember last year?

Aside the business dealings that is eating up my time, I’ve recently started ‘ninja training’ on Wednesday and Friday evenings. I can honestly say, despite this I do actually have slack time if I don’t laze around. But my time management sucks.


Logen L.


Of Masks and Sorrowful Fate

Everyone lives to challenge the fate foisted upon them. But some of us will suffer more because the cost of challenging that fate is higher.

Why do we do it then? The cost of not challenging it is worse off than dying.

Till the final battle, whereupon I lose the ties of friendship and even kinship. This is where ambition and destiny intertwines…

Logen L.