
Tears Are Not For Boys

I’ve lost a part of myself.

Reality has eaten away at my soul.

My lips, sewn together; I cannot speak.

Bonds of friendship I need break.

Kinships torn asunder.

All alone at my ‘happy’ place, talking with the person inside the mirror.

He’s always been there for me… always…

I exist for myself…

Logen L.


Acceptance of The Fiasco

I have come to accept the aunty hairstyle fiasco. I have also accepted that my hair is much too short for the hairstyle I wanted.

I have done damage control by visiting my friendly neighbourhood barber.

Hopefully, in three months time, I’m able to revert to the hairstyle I wanted. I will take up my friend’s advice to go to the Japanese salon.

Life goes on, here’s a list of things I’ll need to get:

  • Make Up Primer (for oil control, and covering up scarring)
  • Slim Jeans (Grey or black)
  • Footless Ankle Leggings

Besides this, I’ve decided that I need to train harder for Aikido and incorporate pressure point striking. I finally realise they were serious when they said that Aikido is usable in a street situation only after years of training. The reason being that you have to get used to not resisting, but redirecting and blending with your opponents attacks.

I need X and Sandaime Hououkage to help in my training. 😀

Logen L.


Aikido Grading at Tanglin

I had Aikido grading this afternoon and think I did well. I only fumbled for a moment during the free-style phase when I misinterpreted my partner’s attack. However, I managed to apply the basic joint-lock and throwing techniques.

As much as I knew that one had to be calm and relaxed when facing an attack, I’ve found out first hand as to what happens otherwise. In aikido, we aim to blend with the opponent’s force unresistingly, and then redirect the force to defend ourselves. Because an opponents attack is unpredictable until few seconds before point of contact, one should never plan his defense. He just blends an attack according to the flow of the force.

All in all, my mistake in the free-style phase was timing, insufficient practice and over-thinking. I mistook the attack and tried to parry what I thought the attack was to be too soon.

Oh well, I’m still at white belt. And the sensei says that it takes many years to master these crucial factors.

I should be able to get an orange belt in 2 to 4 weeks time. But I’d be really happy to have a double promotion to blue. Haha.

And yea, some of the villagers’ Japanese costumes have arrived in Singapore.

Logen L.


Laptop Issues

I’m bloody pissed by Acer,  their product and their substandard service. Its just one problem after another.

Last week I was forced to contact them for onsite warranty service because my laptop screen had failed. The technician was four hours late and the screen that he brought was spoilt. So, a new appointment was made.

In true Acer tradition, the technician was an hour late. He changed the screen and all was well, or so I thought.

Yes the screen worked. But now, according to my laptop’s error messages and reluctance to open my video files, my internet browser and a whole host of other things, it seems that the video card is spoilt! Damn it! I tried to backup my files, and a prompt comes up, telling me that the laptop has insufficient memory to conduct a file transfer. I tried to transfer the files individually but still the same thing.

What the fucking hell was that man? Does my bloody laptop have Alzeimers or dementia! It must be damn serious if it can’t even do a transfer of 800kb.

I have never dropped my laptop or handled it uncaringly. Yet it failed on me, and many of my classmates who were as foolish as I was to purchase an Acer laptop.

I don’t know what to say. Acer laptops must be bloody cunning. First, the screen doesn’t show. When that problem is sorted, the true horrors begin… The screen is just a diversion.

Acer had better give me a prompt and satisfying service. Or else, I’ll do my best to petition them off Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s list of laptop suppliers…

Logen L.


Sad Currency Exchange Rate

My attention was drawn towards the currency exchange module I had on my desktop. For the past few days, the currency rate for United States was rising. While this is good news for the Americans, it is sad news for me.

I deal in online business in US dollars, and this means increased costs in buying. I was hoping to take advantage of the weakening dollar when I was to renew my web hosting. But if The Dollar continues to strengthen, I may have to pay a bit more.

Besides, remember the cosplay plans in my previous entry? We are outsourcing for costumes overseas and the currency used is the US Dollars. Damn!

Hopefully, the exchange rate between Singapore and United States won’t go above 1.5 before October. Otherwise, there will be some repercussions.

Yes! The hiatus is still on. I am studying, okay?

Logen Lanka


The Manipulative Force That Tilts The Balance

I know this blog is supposed to be on hiatus. Face it, I’m bored. So, for the next hour, the hiatus has been lifted.

For the past 2 days, I was studying with Zhi Wei and Eugene for the finals. I have to say, Zhi Wei acts like a restless 5 year-old kid. And I have spent lots of time rolling my eyes or sighing in exasperation at his antics.

Anyway, during our study breaks (a.k.a. lunch, tea), the three of us have been discussing about certain forces within the world. It seems the balance has already started to tilt against that force. I’m both surprised and not surprised at that. I overestimated the powers of manipulation from the force. And perhaps, I underestimated the wits of those influenced by the force. Most are beginning to awake from the illusion.

Above all, I believe in karma, the greater force of cause and effect that affect everyone. It is simply a manifestation of the consequences of our actions. This, I believe, is the downfall of the force. It has neglected any thought of consequence.

Let me be personal about it. I dislike the force, and its disregard to honour, loyalty and respect. Yet, I needn’t partake in any action against it. Karma has taken care of that and will continue to do so, as long as the force persists in its present form.

Besides this force, there is another one of chaos. I and some chosen ones must partake in ceasing this force. It is necessary, for it is affecting the balance. And while I take stock in karma, I believe in this case karma is taking too long. Yet if we do take action before karma does, we will be karma itself.

If you read that and do not understand, don’t be alarmed. I have a knack for talking in riddles and in circles.

Logen L.

P.S. Hiatus is back on.


Not Another Post On The Exams!

It’s the period when I complain and worry about the exams. It begins on 16th of August.

While I’m hopeful about covering my required topics for all 4 modules, at the back of my head there are some nagging doubts. Previously, I had no discipline to study a few hours at a go, at a quick pace. Why should now be any different?

I got through the last exams by last-minute cramming and the results were surprisingly good. Nonetheless, I can’t bear overnight cramming again. It is a torture. Especially when you end up with a bad headache and exceedingly horrendous temper from the lack of sleep.

Anyway, I apologise to my friends for not keeping in contact for the past weeks. I don’t wish to give any excuses for my bad habits. And this apology goes to Harris especially. I feel bad about it.

That’s all.

Logen L.