
Knowledge Is Power

Within my life list, I have some goals that relate to each other. They lead to a common big picture, which I seek. And that common big picture can be summed up in three words: Knowledge is Power.

I am a big believer in the mind and its limitless capacity. I believe it can be used profitably in areas of finance, pleasure and more importantly, to transcend suffering. In this age of blind faith and propaganda, the mind is an essential point of defense. The world has seen how Hitler has used propaganda for genocide and is now seeing how terrorists are recruiting innocents to kill.

It is in light of my extreme examples that I seek to expand my mental faculties; I want to process information faster; be observant and not jump to conclusions; be calm and not worry or be temperamental. I have done my research and sought various avenues to reach my goals.

I shall list them below, without explanation for now:

  • Insight meditation (Vipassana)
  • Cognitive brain exercises
  • Diet filled with optimal brain foods (Green Tea, Salmon, Tuna, Blue Berries, etc.)
  • Physical exercise
  • Recreation, pursuing interests and socialising
  • Sleeping
  • Mind mapping
  • Soothing music (e.g. Mozart, new age)
  • Read and observe more

Just to add, I am not crazy. You’ve misunderstood if you think that I’ve constructed a daily regimen consisting of the above.


Public Speaking Blunder

I blundered through my presentation today. Public speaking is considered one of my fortes, so you can imagine how angry I was with myself after the screw up.

Prior to my presentation slot, there were four other presenters, all of whom were excellent. To add on to my nervousness, the person who first presented chose the same topic as I. Because of my anxiety of not reaching the benchmark set by him, I blanked out after my second sentence. This consequently triggered a chain reaction, which impeded my flow of thought. I ended up reading from my note card, which lacked substantial point to back whatever I was saying.

As I moved on in my speech, I made noticeable pauses looking at the audience desperately. I was considering walking out and giving up. But I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

In my opinion, the great public speakers are those who have flow of thought and can connect with their audience’s mentality. The lack of a rehearsed feel in one’s presentation is a plus. Sadly at my own judgment, my performance today was a fiasco.

That said, I take my hat off to Joey, the person who presented the same topic as I. His presentation today was the best yet.

What I have to get into my thick skull is: Focus on the message you intend to convey during the presentation; not how much you’re going to screw up because your competitor has done a swell job. I have really to get rid of my self-defeating attitude.



Was My Talk On Time Management, all talk and no play?

So, for nearly the whole week, I’ve been talking about my rotten time management. I took action but it just wasn’t enough.

Here’s the report of what I’ve done. I, Logen, completed my CATS project portion and revised the Bstats lecture topics covered in the first 2 weeks. As for Microeconomics, I have only read up half of the topic, Elasticity.

To be fair, I spent the weekend clearing my room. Perhaps with a less cluttered room (and table) I could study better. Besides, the room was like a maze. I had knocked hard into my movable drawers, while navigating through the mess in the dark.

Here’s what I have yet to do, as targeted:

  • BStats revision: lecture 3, 4 and 5
  • MIEC revision: lecture 2, 3 and 4

Mrs Loke’s gonna be disappointed because I haven’t done her tutorial questions. As for MIEC, I have to present something related to Elasticity. Good luck to me for knowing half the topic.

Yes, I’m a worrywart! Because my superb presentation skills won’t save me from appearing like a blithering idiot… “Er, Elasticity is when you stretch the rubber band and release it.”

Here’s a new target then, for today at least:

  • Get a gist of BStats lecture 5 later
  • Mindmap an outline on Demand and Supply
  • Figure out how I’ll compile the CIP report

I’ve set my sights lower. I’m happy to regain my old powers before setting of for immortality. Okay, too much Harry Potter again.


Upcoming: A post about my religion and what it means to me & A post for the repealing of Section 377A


To Get Back On Track

Regretfully, I’m still drifting away from studying. I’ve been busy developing my domain names and wasting my time waiting for emails.

The solution to this issue, however, isn’t to cease development of those sites. It merely means my time management sucks and action has to be taken.

Here’s the issue in detail:

I have 3 important modules to study for, namely Microeconomics, Business Statistics(BStats) and FFA (accounting). Business Statistics is the worrying module, mainly because it deals with maths, worsened by me skipping the last two lectures. I do find it interesting but I’m 4 weeks behind. Answering my question, Wen Jie said that consulting the textbok may only enable me to understand half the topic.

Looks like I’ll be slaving for BStats during the weekends. I intend to do a warm up on Friday, revising the introductory topics, and then jump into the heavier bits of week 3 and 4 on Saturday. Be positive Logen!

That’s basically my weekend study plans, plus doing some mindmaps for MIEC. I’ve left out the sickening projects, of which CATS is total bulshit.

I know, this post is shit too. I sounds like some financial newscaster reading out the stock changes to a toddler. But to be fair, I want to documents my plans to get on track. After all, this blog is about my goals which represent the reality I want, and short stories that express my inner thoughts of fantasy and fear.

Just for the record, I still think about the person in the previous entry a lot. It hurts a whole damn lot.

Not going to talk about it in this entry. I’ve long learnt not to combine two unrelated topics.


P.S. I’ve gotta cut my hair. This should prompt an entry in the near future.


Rotten Time Management

It didn’t go according to plan. The e-quiz link was gone from my school’s portal 3 hours before the deadline. I haven’t studied anything yet.

I need, really, to do some solid planning if I ever want to manage my time. From tomorrow, I’ll try not to say, ‘I’ll do it tomorrow/later’. Once, I manage this, things will get better.



The Balancing Act Goal

Have to start revision soon. I hate to leave things to the last minute. It’s just that the whole domain name investment is taking my attention. Worse, I’ve been skipping lectures.

However, I resolve to strike a balance between school and business. And blogging for 2 blogs of course!

So, my first step for tomorrow:

  1. Study for my CIP module and complete the graded e-quiz
  2. Practise bank reconciliation for the mini-test
  3. Catch up with the Business Statistics module (Chapter 1, 2 and 3)

Priority goes to the top 2 of the list.

That said, I feel bad for neglecting this blog. Inspiration is coming back to me, but to express it adequately, I have to invest time. Time, as in days or even weeks, to pen my short fiction. I lack that time. I’ll, however, use my past works as fillers. Any objections?



This Old Kid Wants To Draw

When asked about my hobbies at the age of 7, I’d say I love to draw. But, as years went by, my interest in it dwindled.

Anxiety, whenever the teacher graded art, replaced the joy and freedom of drawing. Besides, I wrongly believed that sketching was an inborn ability that cannot be learnt. So, I eventually gave it up as a leisure activity.

And now, I want to take it up again. I hope to do portrait drawing. However, time, plus my knack to procrastinate, does not permit my desire. I admire kids for they can do stupid things without being mocked.

I shall add the below to my life list. Come the school-break, I must work on it.

To do a good portrait drawing
