Wasting My Time For Idiots
I give up. Why should I conduct events for a bunch of indecisive and unappreciative idiots who cannot keep their words? Enough is enough. One by one, at the last minute, I have people canceling their attendance.
Once bitten, twice shy. In the future, I will just meet with my friends and have an awesome time. No need for me to keep calling, no need to stress, no need to keep track of who’s coming at whatever time, no need to waste my time and no need to waste my effort. You guys can just fuck yourselves and organise your own cohesion.
Logen L.
Pet Peeves About Certain Bunkmates
Honour Your Promises
When one makes promises, they are expected to honour their words. I have bunk mates whose words amount to lip service. Talk is cheap.
They cavalierly confirm that they will attend a gathering, but back out at the last minute. Common excuses include: I have to drive my friends home, I am currently out of the country and cannot make it back in time because my friends have prolonged their stay.
They blame their friends in order to break commitments. Pray tell, why the fuck are you meeting your friends before you have to attend the gathering. You mean you couldn’t have foreseen any delays. Are you so fucking retarded that you do not know your friend’s habits to delay?
Disrespectfully Taking Me For Granted
I am not your mama shop. You want hair wax or tissues, go fucking buy your own. I am not trying to be selfish here, but the reality is this, I buy my supplies for my own use. But week after week, you have been asking me for supplies for your use. Am I supposed to spend more and buy extras just to accommodate your needs?
I am not your servant. Don’t you push me towards the queue and boss me around to queue for you. Is your dick so puny that you have to sit down at the side? All talk and no action asshole. You slack around and sleep. Thereafter, you strut like a bitch, shaking your ass and open your pussy lips to boss your fellow bunkmates(who have been busy cleaning arms or doing chores) around. When you are caught slacking, you whine.
Respecting My Privacy
If you want to use my belongings, ask for my permission first. Privacy and respect are important to me. If you have no decency to ask, then fuck off far away from my belongings.
Pissing Me Off When I Am Trying To Relax
If you have nothing to tell me, then stop calling out my name. I will fucking box your teeth out.
Logen L.
Body Language And My Businesses
These days, I’ve been studying body language; how to read people through their behaviour and how to alter my own body language to enhance my communication prowess. I have trouble recalling the individual non-verbal indicators and therefore shall try to summarise similarities in these indicators into a mindmap or chart. Thereafter, I have to practice base-lining the body language of individuals, while analysing if their speech is congruent with their behaviour.
This goal of mine is far from being accomplished. And I have decided to make a project out of it on my other site at iKinesics.
Besides body language, I have been working on two new businesses. One of them is an addition of a new domaining business model to my current domain names business. The other is a partnership with my military camp-mate on promoting fitness and skin products. Hopefully, these two avenues will eventually enable me to supplement the measly military allowance.
In light of progressing in the goals above, I have neglected studying Thai. Time is, honestly, out of my hands; a sad fact of being enlisted in the army as a stay-in personnel for 5 days a week.
To worsen matters, my eczema condition has gotten slightly bad. Even though I have doubled the dosage of antihistamines, I end up scratching my arms and neck when asleep due to the intense itching. I am frightened at what field camp would do to my condition. Raw bleeding skin and mud do not mix well. We’ll see on Monday…
Gong Xi Fa Cai At Zouk, Phuture and Nana
Last year, I missed clubbing on Christmas day. This year, I missed clubbing on New Year’s Eve. But! the partying at Zouk this Chinese New Year more than makes up for whatever I missed.
After an uneventful visit to my grandmother’s place (where my family traditionally gathered on Lunar New Year), I contacted some of my clubbing buddies. With many dismal responses, I was almost sure that my night would be quiet. Yet, at the last few hours, I managed to gather with Mandy and the twins (with their family and friends) at Zouk.
If you do not already know, I do not usually go to Zouk and Phuture as I dislike the place. Too crowded and average music. However, this time was different. Mandy and I broke off from the group at Phuture for a while and headed to Zouk. The trance music was awesome. And since it was Chinese New Year, the dance floor (ironically) was not that packed. We watched the crowd for some time, danced wildly when Stereo Love was on and headed outside for a smoke.
Who would have thought that we’d run into Florence, whom which I caught up with before parting ways.
Upon returning to Phuture to rejoin the group, we moved into the crowded dance floor dancing to many remixed hits. At one point, Rowena couldn’t stand the pain from dancing in heels that she took them off. One by one, we began to take off our shoes to dance.
Thereafter, Mandy and I decided we needed more drinks. We both had Snow White and the Seven Dwarves at Zouk’s bar. We were toasting our shots. The first was to eternal happiness, the second to great awesome sex, and I don’t remember the rest. At the height of our high, we returned to the dance floor at Phuture. Ten minutes later, the bloody lights came on. The partying was over at 3am!
In the end, Guan Kai, Mandy and I moved on to the Thai Disco, Nana, near Chinatown. Guan Yu and Nicholas didn’t join us probably because they got lucky. Haha. Here’s a little commentary about Nana. The place is reminiscent of the disco I went to back in Thailand. The live band performance was pure awesomeness. And they had Thai girls in skimpy outfits strutting about. I kept telling Mandy, ‘Imagine if we headed out of the backdoor and ended up in Thailand’.
The total damage in expenses for Mandy and me (at Zouk, Phuture and Nana) is summed up as follows: Taxi fare (around $38 total), Donation to Make A Wish Foundation in lieu of free entry to Zouk and Phuture ($12), 1 Jug of Vodka Cranberry ($52), Super Flaming Lambo ($28), beers (with some Chivas dripped in, complements of Mr Tan Guan Kai $28), Snow White and the Seven Dwarves ($52) and a jug of Whiskey Soda ($38).
That’s at least $100 from each of us. When’s the next partying session?
Happy Lunar New Year my friends.
Lethargy For Five Reasons
I don’t have much to say.
I feel lethargic for five reasons:
(1) I had field camp, which involved bashing through thick vegetation and running up and down slope.
(2) I slept for less than 3 hours during which because of some silly fucker playing hokkien music loud enough to be heard from the vegetation at midnight
(3) I attended Zhi Wei’s birthday gathering overnight after booking out from camp after the field camp
(4) During the gathering, we were playing a drinking game and I downed many shots (I hadn’t touched alcohol for some time).
(5) I took a 3 hour nap and woke up with a splitting headache.
I want to sleep. I need to buy clothes for the Lunar New Year. I feel like clubbing. I want a holiday. And I need to pay my library fines.
And I’m just rambling on and on… Stop reading.
Christmas In Armour Indeed
This Christmas, I will be stuck in Armour Camp doing guard duty. While I’m not at all upset (considering that I will get a day off in lieu), I’m disappointed at having to miss out on the warm cosy feeling attached to this season. I miss celebrating Christmas with my fellow Dragon villagers. And I certainly miss watching the televised Christmas movies on the comfy couch, pretending that its snowing outside.
However, this mandatory sacrifice will be worth it if I’m saved from doing guard duty on the Lunar New Year.
Here are some things that are cheering me up:
1. Going for leisure trip to Thailand this Friday
2. Looking awesome when wearing the Jinbei delivered from Japan (Ebay)
3. Getting great bargains in Thailand
4. Enjoying the year-end 5-day holiday
On another note, I’m continuously being annoyed with one or two idiots back at camp who fuck around and treat me with disrespect. Do I have to threaten to box their teeth out to get results? Because this week when one idiot made a subtle racist remark while we were marching back from the cookhouse, I yelled at him and threatened to punch his fucking face the next time he made a racist remark. Everyone, including the sergeant, heard and were stunned. Two persons in front thought I was joking. When they laughed, I shouted “You think its fucking funny?”. Thereafter, they kept their mouths shut. The idiot refrained from making any racist remarks for the entire week.
Honestly, do I have to humiliate a person in front of so many people in order to teach them respect?
I resolve to change the situation of disrespect before December 2012. But I need a better plan than physical threats. I have no desire to end up in the detention barracks.